Computerized Manufacturing Machining Technology | SKYCTC

Computerized Manufacturing and Machining Technology

Gain job-ready skills in cutting-edge computerized manufacturing methods and computer-aided drafting techniques.

What is Computerized Manufacturing and Machining Technology?

Nearly everything manufactured in today's modern world is created using some form of machining, whether manually-based or computer-based. From milk cartons to customized motorcycle wheels, each requires highly-trained machinists to design and manage the manufacturing process. In the CMM program, students learn the fundamentals of computerized fabrication of materials that support today s advanced manufacturing companies. From plastics to platinum, instruction begins with manual, machining techniques, and advances to computer programming required to operate high-tech CNC s (computer numeric controls). Learning and related activities involve applying knowledge of machine operations, understanding properties of materials, and employing proper practices to set up and manufacture finished products. Classroom instruction, demonstration, and hands-on experience, teach critical skills such as executing and modifying machine programming, 2-D and 3D product manipulation, understanding of tolerances and accuracies to the micron level, and quality assurance.