Board of Directors Meeting Minutes - February 17, 2022
Board of Directors Meeting
The Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical College Board of Directors held its meeting on Thursday, February 17, 2022, at 4:00 p.m. on Main Campus, 1845 Loop Drive, Bowling Green, Kentucky.
Board Members:
Jackie Perkins, Chair
Tye Burklow
Donia Massey
Paula Pedigo
Kim Phelps
Randy Schumaker
Treva Shirley
Lori Slaughter
Kayla Cowles
Dr. Phillip Neal
Chris Cumens
Sherri Forester
Abel Sanchez
Brooke Justice
Dr. James McCaslin
Becky McNulty
Heather Rogers
Call to Order
Chair Jackie Perkins called the meeting to order at 4:02 p.m. and welcomed Board
members and staff.
Introduction and Seating of New Members of the Board of Directors
Chair Perkins asked Dr. Phillip Neal to introduce our new Board member. Dr. Neal
announced that Ms. Belmar Rafael Vargas made the decision to step down as Student
Government Association (SGA) President. Ms. Kayla Cowles agreed to serve as the SGA
President and Student Board Representative. Ms. Cowles addressed the Board. Chair
Perkins welcomed her to the Board of Directors.
Motion to Approve Minutes - Approved
Chair Perkins asked the Board to review the minutes from its September 23, 2021,
Board meeting and asked if there were any questions or comments. Ms. Lori Slaughter
moved that the Board approve the minutes. Ms. Treva Shirley seconded the motion and
the motion passed unanimously.
Recognition Items
Dr. Neal announced Ms. Tiffany Deaton, support staff, Dr. Jennifer Shoemake, administrative staff member, and Dr. Kim Pharris, faculty member as winners of the SKYCTC Award of Excellence.
These individuals were recognized for their exemplary performance in position responsibility,
leadership, professional and organizational development and will be
recognized on a national stage at the American Association of Community Colleges Annual
Convention (AACC) in New York in April 2022.
Chair's Report - Chair Jackie Perkins Reporting
Chair Perkins stated that Board members with expiring terms would need to apply for reappointment if they want to be considered by the Governor to remain on the Board of Directors.
Chair Perkins stated the Revised Standing Committee appointments, which added Ms. Cowles, and Calendar of Scheduled Committee meetings were included in the Board packet.
Chair Perkins announced that the ACCT Annual Leadership Congress is scheduled for October 26-29, 2022, in New York. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend if College budget allows.
Student Government Association (SGA) Report
Ms. Cowles gave the SGA report. She reported that SGA voted to make Phoenix Rising its annual service agency and all fund raising will benefit them. A copy of the SGA report is in the board packet.
President's Report - Dr. Phillip Neal Reporting
President's Update
Dr. Neal gave a presentation on SKYCTC's strategic Plan process and received some feedback from Board members.
Ms. Sherri Forester, Vice President of Administrative Services, directed the Board to the President's Report for the Human Resources report. She gave the Board a Healthy@Work update.
Ms. Forester announced that SKYCTC was recognized by the Arbor Day Foundation as Tree Campus, USA.
Academic Affairs
Dr. James McCaslin, Provost, directed the Board to the President's Report for the
Academic Affairs report. He announced that SKYFAME is recruiting its seventh cohort
of students for Fall 2022. He informed the Board that the Southern Association of
Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) would be on campus September
18-21, 2023, for SKYCTC's ten-year review. He also discussed the new Federal requirements
for CDL and SKYCTC's CDL program.
Student Services
Ms. Brooke Justice, Vice President of Student Services, gave a brief enrollment update. She announced the creation of the Merit Scholarship. Ms. Justice and Dr. Mccaslin discussed the TRIO grant.
Business Services
Mr. Chris Cumens, Vice President of Business Services, gave a brief financial update.
Resource Development
Ms. Heather Rogers, Vice President of Resource Development, gave a scholarship update. She announced that the creation of the Distinguished Alumni Award and that the College is currently taking applications for the first award recipient.
Chair Perkins announced that the next scheduled Board meeting is the all-day work session and business meeting on April 21, 2022, at 8:30 a.m. at the Glasgow Technology Campus.
Chair Perkins announced that the SKYCTC Graduation is scheduled for May 6, 2022, on SKYCTC's Main Campus.
The meeting adjourned at 5:46 p.m.
Documents on file with the minutes of this meeting:
President's Report
Respectfully Submitted,
Paula Pedigo, Board Secretary
Date: February 17, 2022