Board of Directors Meeting Minutes - February 15, 2024
Board of Directors Meeting
The Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical College Board of Directors held its meeting on Thursday, February 15, 2024, at 4:00 p.m. at the Transpark Center, 221 Commonwealth Boulevard, Bowling Green, Kentucky.
Board Members:
Kim Phelps, Vice Chair
Tim Edelen
Chris Higgins
David Jones
Dr. Patrick Klapheke
Donia Massey
Jackson Pryor
Mike Reynolds
Treva Shirley
Dr. Phillip Neal
Chris Cumens
Sherri Forester
Chris Gibbons
Brooke Justice
Dr. James McCaslin
Becky McNulty
Heather Rogers
Call to Order
Vice Chair Kim Phelps called the meeting to order at 4:02 p.m. and welcomed Board members and staff.
Dr. Phil Neal gave the Board a brief history of the Transpark Center.
Introduction and Seating of New Members of the Board of Directors
Vice Chair Phelps announced that the College has five newly appointed Board members. She called on Dr. Neal to introduce them. Dr. Neal introduced the new Board members as follows:
Ms. Valerie Brown - Retired CEO Service One Credit Union. Valerie was appointed to the Board effective October 19, 2023, for 6 years. Valerie is travelling and cannot be with us tonight.
Mr. Tim Edelen -Attorney at Bell, Orr, Ayers, and Moore. Tim was appointed to the Board effective October 19, 2023, for 6 years.
Mr. Chris Higgins -Engineer at Scotty's Contracting. Chris was appointed to the Board effective October 19, 2023, for 6 years.
Dr. Patrick Klapheke -Surgeon at TJ Health Pavilion. Dr. Klapheke was appointed to the Board effective October 19, 2023, for 6 years.
Mr. Mike Reynolds -Attorney at Reynolds, Johnston, and Hinton. Mike was appointed to the Board effective October 19, 2023, for 6 years
Vice Chair Phelps welcomed the new members to the Board.
Motion to Approve Minutes - Approved
Vice Chair Phelps asked the Board to review the minutes from its September 28, 2023, Board meeting and asked if there were any questions or comments. Ms. Treva Shirley moved that the Board approve the minutes. Dr. Klapheke seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.
Recognition Items
Dr. Neal announced Ms. Laura Cotton, support staff, Dr. Lisa Hunt, administrative staff member, and Ms. Carmen Gaskins, faculty member, as winners of the SKYCTC Award of Excellence.
These individuals were recognized for their exemplary performance in position responsibility, leadership, professional and organizational development and will be recognized on a national stage at the League for Innovations Conference in Anaheim, California in March 2024.
Chair's Report - Vice Chair Kim Phelps Reporting
Vice Chair Phelps stated the Appointment of Standing Committees were under Tab 3 in the agenda book.
Vice-Chair Phelps stated that the schedule of the 2024 Board of Directors Committee Meetings were under Tab 4 in the agenda book.
Vice Chair Phelps announced that the ACCT Annual Leadership Congress is scheduled for October 23-26, 2024, in Settle, Washington. Dr. Neal stated the conference is a useful source of professional development for the Board and the College tries to take a few Board members each year.
Student Government Association (SGA) Report
Mr. Jackson Pryor gave the SGA report. He reported that SGA will be holding a special election for the Secretary and Parliamentarian positions due to schedule changes and graduation.
He stated that Potter Children's Home was selected as SGA's charity of choice this year. SGA held a "Penny War" fund raiser during its Fall Festival and will donate $100 to Potter Children's Home.
Mr. Pryor stated he would be submitting SGA's annual budget request to Dr. David Travis, Director of Student Life and Engagement, for consideration.
Other Business
Vice Chair Phelps asked Ms. Donia Massey, Chair of the Nominating Committee, to report on behalf of the Committee. Ms. Massey stated that we need to elect a new Chair. Ms. Phelps and Ms. Treva Shirley have been nominated and accepted their nomination. Ms. Becky McNulty distributed and collected ballots. Ms. Sherri Forester assisted Ms. McNulty in counting the votes. Ms. Massey announced that Ms. Shirley had been elected as Chair. Since Ms. Shirley was elected as Chair, Ms. Massey asked for nominations for Secretary. Chair Massey was nominated and elected as Secretary. The motions passed unanimously.
President's Report - Dr. Phillip Neal Reporting
Dr. Neal gave a Spring Semester overview to the Board. He discussed SKYCTC's strategic plan and timeline. Dr. Neal informed the Board of their duties during the all-day April Work Session and Business meeting. He gave a brief Committee overview of each standing committee.
Dr. Neal gave a legislative update. He informed the Board of the Transpark and Glasgow funding request. The Board members received a Case of Support for each request.
Dr. Neal called on the Cabinet members to present their reports.
Ms. Sherri Forester, Vice President of Administrative Services, introduced herself and informed the Board of her areas of responsibility.
Ms. Forester announced that SKYCTC completed the Best Places to Work application and employee survey for 2024.
Ms. Forester called on Ms. Shirley for a special announcement. Ms. Shirley announced that Dr. Neal was selected by American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) as one the top five finalists for the COE of the Year. The winner will be announced in April at the AACC Annual Meeting in Louisville.
Academic Affairs
Dr. James Mccaslin, Provost, introduced himself and informed the Board of his areas of responsibility. Dr. Mccaslin announced that the SKY FAME Graduate Reception is scheduled for May 2, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. at the Franklin-Simpson Center.
Student Services
Ms. Brooke Justice, Vice President of Student Services, introduced herself and informed the Board of her areas of responsibility. She gave a brief enrollment update. She presented the enrollment trends and explained each category.
Business Services
Mr. Chris Cumens, Vice President of Business Services, introduced himself and informed the Board of his areas of responsibility. He presented on current construction projects such as the Main Campus signage/entrance from Morgantown Road and renovations of buildings A and D.
Resource Development
Ms. Heather Rogers, Vice President of Resource Development, introduced herself and informed the Board of her areas of responsibility. Ms. Rogers gave a scholarship update. She announced that the College is currently taking applications for the Distinguished Alumni Award.
Dr. Neal announced that the next scheduled Board meeting is the all-day work session and business meeting on April 25, 2024, at 8:30 a.m. at the KATI Campus.
Dr. Neal announced that the SKYCTC Pinning Ceremony is scheduled for May 1, 2024, at 1:00 p.m. at the Cave City Convention Center.
Dr. Neal announced that the SKYCTC Graduation is scheduled for May 3, 2024, at 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. at Southern Kentucky Performing Arts Center (SKYPAC).
The meeting adjourned at 6:37 p.m.
Documents on file with the minutes of this meeting:
President's Report
Respectfully Submitted,
Donia Massey, Board Secretary
Date: February 15, 2024