Board of Directors Meeting Minutes - September 28, 2023
Board of Directors Annual Meeting
Glasgow Health Campus
The Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical College Board of Directors held its spring work session on Thursday, September 28, 2024, at 4:00 p.m. The meeting was held at the Glasgow Health Campus, 129 State Street, Glasgow, Kentucky.
Board Members:
Tye Burklow, Vice Chair
Donia Massey
Kim Phelps
Jackson Pryor
Treva Shirley
David Jones
Dr. Phillip Neal
Chris Cumens
Sherri Forester
Brooke Justice
Dr. James McCaslin
Becky McNulty
Sven Dugandzija
Call to Order
Vice-Chair Tye Burklow called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m. and welcomed Board members and staff Vice-Chair Burklow announced that Chair Jackie Perkins was traveling for work.
Dr. Phil Neal introduced Dr. Angie Harlan, Director of the Glasgow Health Campus. Dr. Harlan gave the Board the history of Glasgow Health and took them on a tour.
Introduction and Seating of New Member of the Board of Directors
Dr. Neal announced that Mr. Jackson Pryor had been elected as the Student Government Association (SGA) President and Student Representative for a one-year term. Mr. Pryor addressed the Board. Vice-Chair Burklow welcomed him to the Board of Directors.
Motion to Approve Minutes - Approved
Vice-Chair Burklow stated the Board received the April 27, 2023, Board work session minutes in their packet for review prior to the meeting. He asked for a motion to approve the minutes. Ms. Treva Shirley made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Ms. Kim Phelps seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.
Vice-Chair Burklow asked for a motion to approve the April 27, 2023, Board meeting minutes. Ms. Phelps made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Mr. Pryor seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.
Chair's Report - Vice-Chair Tye Burklow Reporting
Vice-Chair Burklow announced that Dr. Neal and a few Board members would be attending the ACCT Annual Congress in Las Vegas in October.
Vice-Chair Burklow stated that under Tab 4 in the agenda book was the approved Meeting Calendar of the Board of Directors with a location change.
President's Report - Dr. Phillip Neal Reporting
President's Update
Dr. Neal asked Ms. Sherri Forester to share the College's celebration. Ms. Forester announced that SKYCTC was named thirteenth in the middle category for Best Places to Work.
Academic Affairs:
Dr. James Mccaslin, Provost, reported on Senate Bill 150. He explained how the Bil would affect our Dual Credit offerings.
He announced that the SACSCOC visit went very well. He shared some photos of the visit.
Student Services:
Ms. Brooke Justice, Vice President of Student Services, gave an enrollment report.
Resource Development:
Dr. Neal reported on behalf of Ms. Heather Rogers, Vice President of Resource Development. He gave an update on the scholarship fund and announced the major gifts. He stated that the Annual Scholarship Golf Scramble will be held on Friday, October 20, 2023.
Business Services:
Mr. Chris Cumens, Vice President of Business Services, gave the Board a budget update. He also updated the Board on College projects.
Student Government Association (SGA) Report- Mr. Jackson Pryor Reporting
Mr. Pryor reported on behalf of SGA.
Other Business
Vice-Chair Burklow asked Ms. Massey, Chair of the Nominating Committee, to report on behalf of the Committee. Ms. Massey submitted the slate of officers for the 2023-24 Board year for consideration: Chair, Mr. Jackie Perkins; Vice-Chair, Ms. Kim Phelps; and Secretary, Ms. Treva Shirley. Chair Massey conducted the elections. Motion to accept Chair Perkins as Chair for another year was made by Ms. Phelps; motion to accept Ms. Phelps as Vice-Chair was made by Ms. Shirley; and motion to accept Ms. Shirley as Secretary was made by Mr. Pryor. The motions passed unanimously.
Vice-Chair Burklow stated the Standing Committee appointments were under Tab 5 in the agenda book.
Vice-Chair Burklow stated that the schedule of the 2024 Board of Directors Committee Meetings were under Tab 6 in the agenda book.
Vice-Chair Burklow announced that the RN Pinning Ceremony is scheduled for December 6, 2023, and the December Commencement is scheduled for December 11, 2023. He also announced that the next scheduled meeting is the Holiday Celebration Dinner on December 14, 2023, at 5:30 p.m.
The meeting was adjourned at6:05 p.m.
Documents on file with the minutes of this meeting:
- Agenda Book
- President's Report
Respectfully Submitted,
Treva Shirley, Board Secretary
September 28, 2023