SKYCTC Alumni Spotlight - Donna Wilson Minton
Donna Wilson Minton, a SKYCTC alumni, retired from the U.S. House of Representatives (Chief Administrative Officer) in Washington, D.C., where she worked as a Business Process Analyst and Software Developer.
Why did you choose to attend SKYCTC:
"I attended during my senior year of high school for distributive education. I enjoyed it and knew it could be a good path for me to get a secretarial certificate to allow me to quickly mainstream into the workforce."
Who influenced you most during your time at SKYCTC (Faculty/Staff)?
"Ms. Westmoreland. She was such a good encourager."
What advice do you have for current students wanting to make the most of their experience at SKYCTC?
"Not everyone has to have a four-year degree to be highly successful. Technical and blue-collar jobs are what makes the world go 'round! If it's something you want to do and love to do, it's much better to be able to get up each morning and go to a job you love (as opposed to one that you spent $110K to get and are now obligated). Love what you do and do what you love!"
Describe your career path and explain how your education at SKYCTC helped prepare you for what you are doing today.
"SKYCTC gave me the confidence to continue down a path of education that allowed me to branch out to work for the military and then for the federal government."
What advice would you give current students interested in pursuing a career in your professional field?
"Computer science jobs are everywhere. Don't be afraid to do the "hard" things to get there. Go to school and work part time in that career field so you have a good understanding of what your future will hold. Make any adjustments necessary."