SKYCTC Alumni Spotlight - Griffen and Megan Varner
Griffen Varner is a 2018 Advanced Manufacturing Technology graduate and former member of SKY Fame, and Megan is a 2017 Associate in Arts graduate and former Student Ambassador. Griffen is currently employed as a Machinist with Berry Global, and Megan is an Administrative Assistant for Greenwood Properties. They married in 2020 and now reside in Scottsville.
Why did you choose to attend SKYCTC:
Griffen - "I went to SKYCTC because it wasn’t nearly as expensive as WKU, and I heard about the money I could make after getting the associates degree."
Megan - "I chose SKYCTC because at the time I was fresh out of high school, super shy, and had no clue what career path I wanted to pursue. SKYCTC gave me the opportunity to take many courses in a smaller classroom setting at an affordable rate."
Who influenced you most during your time at SKYCTC?
Griffen – "Kristie Lee."
Megan - "The Faculty and Staff at SKYCTC are always rooting for their students and are willing to help in any way they can. They genuinely want to see their students succeed. It’s hard to pick who influenced me the most, so I’ll list a few. Denna White: I worked as a Student Worker in the Admissions Department, and Denna taught me so much and helped me get involved in some amazing opportunities. Jessica Adams: She was my Public Speaking Professor who made public speaking a lot less terrifying and a lot more fun. Kristie Lee: My amazing stepmom. She is a Dual Credit Admissions Advisor who helped fuel my love for SKYCTC."
What advice do you have for current students wanting to make the most of their experience at SKYCTC?
Griffen – "Don’t give up, and always ask questions no matter how silly you think it is. There is always someone within the program that can give you the answers you need to help you through it!"
Megan - "My advice for current students is to get involved in campus life, try different classes, and build relationships with your fellow classmates and professors. SKYCTC offers so many amazing opportunities, so make the most out of your time here and have fun!"
Describe your career path and explain how your education at SKYCTC helped prepare you for what you are doing today.
Griffen - "I started off as a journeyman mechanic at a factory that makes boxes, and it was no easy task most days. That, along with going to school two days a week learning stuff that I wasn’t familiar with at all, made for a long and difficult time some days, but I learned to never quit no matter how hard the task because it’s better to put in the effort and fail than it is to not try and then end up lonely without a job or working for minimum wage!"
Megan - "I am currently an Administrative Assistant for a property management company. I help manage several commercial properties in Kentucky, Tennessee, and Florida. This career path was not what I thought I’d be doing 5 years ago, but being able to take different classes and my leadership experiences I gained as a Student Worker and Student Ambassador gave me the knowledge and skills that led me to this career opportunity!"
What advice would you give current students interested in pursuing a career in your professional field?
Griffen - "If you don’t know what you should go to college for, but you are willing to put in some hard work and want to make a decent living with an associate degree, this is most definitely a good option for you. I didn’t know anything about working on machinery in the mechanical or electrical aspect of things, but with the help from my classmates and teachers, along with what I was learning at work hands-on, I was able to become a decent maintenance technician, and I’m already making more money at the age of 22 than I ever thought I would! Don’t be afraid to try new things."
Megan - "When you enter any career field, put yourself out there, take chances, dream big, and use your resources! Networking with faculty and fellow students can take you far, use it to your advantage."