Monroe Co. senior named ‘Outstanding Ag Athlete of the Year’ at KHSAA scholarship ceremony

"With the scholarship, Bryce (a current dual credit student of Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical College) plans to attend SKYCTC to study electrical technology, and eventually continue his family’s tradition on the cattle farm." (Pictured scholarship winners. Bryce Warren standing third from right.)
By Derek Parham – WBKO TV - Published: Mar. 26, 2024
MONROE CO., Ky. (WBKO) - Six high school seniors from across Kentucky were honored on Saturday as ‘Ag Athletes of the Year’ at the KHSAA Sweet 16 Boys’ Basketball Tournament. However, two were named ‘Outstanding Ag Athletes,’ and awarded $2,000 scholarships.
John ‘Bryce’ Warren of Monroe County High School and Emily Shaw of Metcalfe County High School each received the scholarship, which is earned through extensive involvement in agriculture and athletics, and plans to continue into an agriculture career.
Warren, a third-generation Angus breeder, lifelong 4-H member, and active FFA member, says that his roots in agriculture run deep.
“My grandma, she showed cattle when she was little growing up, and then she got my mom and her sisters involved with it, and then my mom got me involved with it and I’ve stuck with it ever since, and I’ve been to many livestock shows across the country and stuff and competed on the local and state and even the national level,” Warren shared.
He also plays baseball for the Falcons and has been a member of their swim team for four years, though he says he began swimming as soon as he was of age to be part of the community’s travel team.
Even with that involvement, he shared that he did not expect to receive the highest award at the ceremony.
“I had got an email that I was among the top three boys in the state to get chosen and they take the top three boys and announce them at the state tournament and then they announce who gets the big scholarship,” Warren said. “So, it was pretty cool to go there and be announced on Rupp’s floor and be able to receive that in front of thousands of people, and that’s just an honor.”
With the scholarship, he plans to attend SKYCTC to study electrical technology, and eventually continue his family’s tradition on the cattle farm.
“I plan on taking over our family’s Angus farm when I get older, hopefully expanding it even more on broad levels, and then I’d also like to get into farming grain too, eventually, and I’d also like to take over my dad’s construction business when he’s done with it and continue to build ICF houses around southern Kentucky,” Warren shared.
The scholarships were funded through Kentucky’s Ag Tag program, which contributed over $700,000 to agriculture education in 2023.