Computer information specialist warns against gift card scams | SKYCTC

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Computer information specialist warns against gift card scams

Gift cards hanging on a store rack

By Michael Ridgeway – WNKY TV

BOWLING GREEN, Ky. – This holiday season could be a bummer if you happen to get caught up in a popular yet simple scam.

With Christmas right around the corner, you might be thinking about just getting some gift cards for friends or loved ones, however that can take a turn if you’re not careful.

News 40 spoke to Art McFadden, who teaches computer information technology at Southcentral Kentucky Community & Technical College about the blight that is a gift card scam.

McFadden said you should always check the back on your cards before purchase to make sure no one has tampered with them, potentially robbing you of your money in due time by having already swiped the pin and card number ahead of time.

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