BGISD Approves Four-Year Facilities Plan, including HVAC-R Program at Bowling Green High School | SKYCTC

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BGISD Approves Four-Year Facilities Plan, including HVAC-R Program at Bowling Green High School

Two male HVAC Technicians squated by an aid conditioning unit.

Bowling Green, KY - Bowling Green Independent School District’s (BGISD) four-year facilities plan received board approval last week, including a new HVAC-refrigerant (HVAC-R) program set to launch at Bowling Green High School in partnership with Southcentral Kentucky Community & Technical College (SKYCTC).

The program, structured as a four-course, four-quarter sequence, will allow students to earn up to 20 hours of dual credit. This credit will be sufficient for an HVAC-R certificate and will advance the student toward completing their associate degree in Air Conditioning Technology  at SKYCTC, according to BGISD Superintendent Gary Fields.

Scheduled to begin in August, the program is expected to serve approximately 25 students annually, Fields stated.

"We are proud to team up with Bowling Green High School to give students a strong jumpstart in the HVAC-R field,” says Dr. Gene Basil, Dean of Advanced Manufacturing Technology at SKYCTC. “This program is a great way for students to gain real-world skills and college credit through SKYCTC while still in high school."

SKYCTC’s Air Conditioning Technology Program is designed to educate students on designing, constructing, and maintaining advanced climate control systems, including heating, air conditioning, and refrigeration equipment. The curriculum integrates academic theory with practical, hands-on experience in real-world settings.

Read more at: BG Daily News