Online Distance Learning
What is Distance Learning?
Distance learning is an alternative for many students who cannot attend classes on campus due to scheduling conflicts, childcare, work or other commitments, but it is not for everyone.
First, distance learning courses require a computer with Internet access and an email account. In addition, online learning requires a certain amount of computer savvy. Learners should know basic word processing, how to send and receive email, and how to make attachments. Distance learning classes require communication with faculty and other students via email or discussion groups, taking online tests or proctored tests, and submitting various assignments via attachments.
Types of Distance Learning Classes
Distance Learning learning refers to courses and programs offered via the Internet. The main difference between Distance Learning and traditional courses is the delivery format, not the content. Distance Learning courses go through the same rigorous curriculum process established by our college, and they are taught by qualified instructors. KCTCS offers five different kinds of Distance Learning classes:
- Web enhanced course: A class that regularly meets weekly on campus and uses the Web to supplement instruction
- KYVC elearning: Complete elearning course (no more than two proctored exams)
- KYVC elearning local: Complete elearning courses offered for local area (students whose Home College is SKYCTC) with no more than two proctored exams.
- Hybrid: A class that meets with approximately 50% of meetings/proctored exams onsite and 50% online.
- Blended: A class that uses a combination of technologies such as CMS, ITV, KET.
Home College vs. Delivering College
Home College
Each distance learning student will have a home college. The home college is defined
as the college to which you are admitted and from which you will receive a credential
upon successful completion of a program of study. Your home college is Southcentral
Kentucky Community and Technical College (SKYCTC).
Delivering College
This is defined as the college at which the faculty member teaching the online course
is employed. It is not necessarily the same as your home college.
Privacy & Security Commitment
The SKYCTC Registrar's Office ensures the safety and security of your academic record.
Personnel in the Registrar's Office adheres to FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) guidelines. Each KCTCS college maintains
the confidentiality of student educational records in accordance with the provisions
of the Act and shall accord all the rights under the Act to students who are declared
independent and who are or have been in attendance at a KCTCS college. This policy
shall apply to all applicable students, regardless of mode of course delivery.