Online Student Complaint Process | SKYCTC

Online Student Complaint Process

At SKYCTC, we take student complaints seriously. If you have a complaint about a course or experience at SKYCTC, you should follow the college’s student complaint procedures. This is a required step for all students who have complaints.

If a satisfactory solution cannot be determined, you should find the category (below) that best describes your current residency  and follow the steps outlined to resolve the complaint.

  1. Attempt to solve the problem by working with SKYCTC through the formal complaint process.
  2. If you complaint cannot be successfully resolved, submit your concerns using the Kentucky Council for Postsecondary Education's online complaint form.
  1. Attempt to solve the problem by working with SKYCTC through the formal complaint process.
  2. If your complaint cannot be succesfully resolved, determine if you live in a SARA member state.
    1. If Yes, continue
    2. If No, move to the next section
  3. Submit your concerns using the Kentucky Council for Postsecondary Education's online complaint form.
  1. Attempt to solve the problem by working with SKYCTC through the formal complaint process.
  2. If your complaint cannot be successfully resolved, find your state or territory’s agency for lodging complaints below.
  3. Use the contact information listed to continue your complaint process.

Non-SARA States and Territories