You Belong Here | SKYCTC

You Belong Here

SKYCTC offers better, faster ways to get the training you need to start your career!


Are you interested in coming to SKYCTC?

Fill out the form below to get information about SKYCTC’s programs and how to go debt-free! If you have a specific program question, use the buttons below to email the program coordinator.




2024 Tuition Comparison based on 12 credit hours, two semesters: UK: $13,502; UofL: $12,940; WKU $11,652; EKU: $10,020; MSU: $9,708; SKYCTC: $4,536
  • Lowest tuition in Kentucky, with scholarships and financial aid available
  • Small classes, close to home
  • SKYFlex programs allow you to work and go to school at the same time
  • After graduation, go straight to work or transfer credits to any public and most private 4-year institutions in Kentucky

Apply for free now!

Got Specific Questions About a Program?


Send the program coordinator a message! We'll answer your questions and send you some SKYCTC swag as a thank you.