Why are we here? The Advising Center at SKYCTC provides accessible comprehensive academic advising services within an environment of excellence and commitment to student services.
What do we do? Professional Academic Advisors are here to assist students in establishing educational goals. Advisors work closely with students to develop an academic plan consistent with the student's goals. The Advisors provide academic guidance to empower students to become self-directed learners and decision makers.
Advising Location: Main Campus, Career and Academic Planning Center, Suite 104
Hours of Operation:
- Monday-Thursday: 7:30am - 4:00pm
- Friday: Virtual Appointments
NEW Students:
- Spring Semester (January - May): October 1st
- Summer Semester (May - August): March 1st
- Fall Semester (August - December): March 1st
**Appointments are strongly recommended!
For appointments and more information contact the Career & Academic Planning center at (270) 901-1046 or refer to the information provided in your acceptance letter.
CURRENT Students:
- Spring Semester: October 1st
- Summer/Fall Semester: March 1st
**Please remember that all Returning or Current students are required to see their assigned academic advisor. You may find your assigned academic advisor by logging into your student self-service.**
- Appointments are strongly recommended to help us meet your needs and fit into your busy schedule.
- Silence your cell phone.
- Refrain from bringing extra people to your appointment.
- Planning to transfer? Visit the Transfer Information site.
- New students must meet with an advisor in the Career and Academic Planning Center to register for their first semester.
- Current students, follow these instructions to find your advisor:
- Log-in to Student Self-Service
- Enter User ID and Password. (Your user ID is the same as your student email username; your password is the same as your student email account.)
- On the right side, fifth box down, it should list your program advisor. You may click on details to get contact information