Tuition Refund Information
Financial Aid Disbursements
How and when do I receive the remainder of my financial aid after tuition and book charges (if any) are paid?
The financial aid section on your Student Self-Service account, accessible through MyPath will show anticipated full-time aid up through the last day to enter a course (census date). If you are enrolled in anything less than full-time, your anticipated aid will then be adjusted. When your financial aid award is posted to your account, your tuition, fees & any applicable book charges will be deducted.
Financial aid funds are disbursed approximately six weeks after each term begins. In addition, first-time student loan borrowers are not allowed to receive a loan disbursement until 30 days after their first term begins. The term "disbursement" refers to the earliest date the college may receive financial aid funds and apply them to your account, not the date the student will receive a refund.
Refund represents funds being distributed to the student. Financial Aid is disbursed and refunded according to established KCTCS, Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical College (SKYCTC), and federal timelines and guidelines. All refunds, not just financial aid, are processed with BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc. Visit this link for more information: https://bankmobiledisbursements.com/refundchoicessso/.
To view our third-party servicer contract for refund management, click here.
Please read the information below carefully
- No financial aid funds are disbursed to students until attendance in class has been confirmed by faculty. Grants and KEES are reduced for students reported as "no show" for classes. Loans may be affected also. Students who are reported as "no show" after receiving a disbursement may be required to repay financial aid funds.
- Entrance Counseling and Master Promissory Note must be confirmed prior to loan disbursement.
- First-Year, First-Time Borrowers: All first-year, first-time borrowers are subject to a 30-day delay before a student loan can be disbursed. You are considered a first-year, first-time borrower if you have never attended SKYCTC/KCTCS OR no transfer credit from a previous college has been processed AND you have no student loan history with NSLDS. First-year, first-time borrowers should receive all aid on the sixth Thursday after the term begins. The 30-day delay affects only the first loan disbursement. Subsequent loan refunds go out on schedule.
- Students Graduating in December (enrolled for the fall term only, no plans to return for spring): whose financial aid is awarded for fall only (no aid awarded for spring) will have loans prorated for the fall semester and will have two disbursements for loans.
- Students enrolling for the spring term only (were not enrolled at SKYCTC for the fall term or withdrew from fall and returned for spring): The first half disburses/refunds according to the regular disbursement schedule. The second half refunds approximately two weeks after mid-term.
- Students enrolling for the summer term: will receive specific summer information when available.
- Special Situations:
- Students whose financial aid is not packaged prior to the start of the semester should expect their refund to be delayed.
- Students who begin classes outside the regular full-semester schedule should expect their first refund about two - three weeks after classes start.
- Review Self-Service for any holds that may need to removed prior to disbursement EC, MPN, NOR, FIN, etc. and contact the appropriate office to resolve.
- All charges must be collected prior to a refund being issued.
- Many factors outside the control of the Financial Aid Office may delay your refund.
Refund Dates
Check the Academic Calendar for all the important dates such as the last day to receive a refund.