Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT)
The Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical College Behavioral intervention Team (BIT) supports SKYCTC's overall goal to provide a safe and supportive environment by facilitating a See Something, Say Something culture at the college. The Behavioral Intervention Team responds to reports of individuals who present disruptive or concerning behavior. We coordinate resources and respond with the goal of providing assistance to the individual while reducing potential risk in an effort to keep the SKYCTC community healthy and safe.
Report a Concern
Submit a BIT Referral.
A person of concern is any individual who demonstrates disruptive or disturbing behavior, personal difficulties, mental and/or emotional instability, or otherwise causes another member of the campus community to feel distress.
Persons of concern are reported to the BIT, whose goal is to take a proactive approach to help our College maintain a safe and supportive community.
- Who: Who was involved? Multiple persons? Witnesses?
- What: What happened? Details of observation?
- When: When did the event occur? Date/Time?
- Where: Where did the event take place?
- Why: Did something else happen leading to the event?
Depending upon the situation, immediate action may be taken. The BIT reviews the concern, collects additional information as needed, makes a determination for a plan of action and follows up.
The BIT can provide additional resources and individualized help to those who are experiencing difficulties. This support is beneficial to both the individual and the campus community. Your report to the BIT can make a difference.
Select information will be provided to the person making the report depending upon the situation, confidentiality, FERPA, and other legal considerations.