Emergency & Inclement Weather Info
Unusual situations, such as severe weather, may require Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical College (SKYCTC) to switch to a virtual learning/remote schedule or close the institution. In the event severe weather poses a threat to the safety of SKYCTC students or employees, the College President (or his designee) will determine one of three types of schedules that all campuses will implement. The scheduling decision will be in effect for all locations equally (i.e. if the Main Campus is closed, both Glasgow locations will be closed), and all scheduling decisions will apply to students and employees.
The college has the following three types of schedule:
All classes at all locations are operating as originally scheduled with no adjustment.
Classes will be taught virtually. Faculty will reach out to students with directions on what to complete. Students should check their KCTCS email and/or Blackboard for instructions.
In Virtual/Remote Schedule, colleges employees will work remotely.
All campuses are closed. Classes will not meet. Once this schedule change is made it will be in effect for all day and night classes and will not be reversed.
When the college changes from regular schedule to Virtual/Remote or Closed schedule, the announcement will be sent via SNAP alert and posted on the SKYCTC website home page. Students can also check SKYCTC's Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter channels for updates.