Pathfinder Leadership Conference Schedule and Details | SKYCTC

Pathfinder Student Leadership Conference

Conference Registration

Through a combination of workshops, experiential activities and self-reflection, students will learn how to make positive changes in their own lives and in their community.

When: Friday, February 7th
Medium: Virtual training via MS Teams
Time: 4:00pm - 9:30pm (CST) 5:00pm - 10:30pm (EST) 


When: Saturday, February 8th
Medium: Virtual training via MS Teams
Time: 9:00am - 2:30pm (CST) 10:00am - 3:30pm (EST)

Conference Schedule
Time Topic Description Presenter




Leadership a Primer

This fast-paced workshop will expose students to different styles and philosophies of leadership. Utilizing pre-conference assessment tools (provided to all students who pre-register), students will be able to better understand their preferred leadership styles. Dr. David Lawrence Travis, Acting Associate Vice President of Student Affairs at SKYCTC




Unconventional Leadership - The Artist as Activist





Recruitment and Retention

When you think of leadership, what comes to mind? Break your preconceived opinions of what a leader is and can be. Through the lens of the Artist, see how art through history has been used to effect change.



C. David Jones, MFA, Associate Professor of Art




Elana M. Stubbs, Coordinator of Student Activities and Retention, Hopkinsville Community College


Lunch Break    

TRACK #1 & 2

Dealing with Conflict

In this workshop, you will not only gain a better understanding of how conflict arises but be provided with a variety of tools to combat such conflict.


Dr. David Lawrence Travis, Acting Associate Vice President of Student Affairs at SKYCTC


Communication and Persuasion







Program Planning, Collaboration and How to Stretch Your Budget 


Are there different forms of communication? What are good forms of communication? What are the effects of bad communication? What is active listening? What is the difference between persuasion and coercion? You will find the answers to these questions by attending this workshop.

Benjamin Whitlock, Workforce Development Liaison, Elizabethtown Community and Technical College



Dr. David Lawrence Travis, Acting Associate Vice President of Student Affairs at SKYCTC

8:30pm/1:30pm (CST)

TRACTS #1 & #2

Transferable Skills and the Job Search 

The workshop covers the definition of transferrable skills and what they are. Also, discussing the dos and don’ts of job search.(provided to all students who pre-register), students will be able to better understand their preferred leadership Sherita Clark, Director of Career Services/VA School Certifying Official, SKYCTC 
Certificate Description

Pathfinder Institute Certificate


Awarded to students who attend the conference

  • Student Organization Leader track certificate
  • Leadership Principles track certificate

Involved Student Leader Certificate 


  • Awarded to students who attend the conference and hold membership in a student organization at their host KCTCS institution
Reflective Student Leader Certificate 
  • Awarded to students who attend the conference who complete and submit their personal leadership philosophy paper

Conference Registration