Thank You Letter Tips | SKYCTC

Thank You Letter Tips

All students that receive a scholarship will be required to write a thank you letter to the donor(s) of the scholarship. Recipients will receive a Scholarship Award Notification email from the SKYCTC Foundation that gives the specifics of each scholarship, including who to address the thank you letter to.

Why are thank you letters required?

Scholarships that are available at SKYCTC were made possible by generous contributions from donors who believe in community, education, and want to invest in the future of SKYCTC students. SKYCTC is very fortunate to have many generous scholarship donors. We want to ensure that our donors know how much their support is appreciated. By writing a thank you letter, you demonstrate that you are a student that they can be proud to support.

What are some tips or suggestions for writing a thank you letter?

Unless your handwriting is not legible, we recommend handwritten notes. Please take extra care with your handwriting. Non-legible notes will not be accepted.

A piece of notebook paper is not acceptable stationery on which to acknowledge a generous gift. Personal note cards are readily available at discount stores. Thank you note cards are also available for you in the Foundation office in Building H.

Be sure to address your note to the donor listed on your awards letter. Ex. Dear “donor name” Your donors name is located in your award email.

Your opening line is simple: Thank you very much for sponsoring the [SCHOLARSHIP NAME] scholarship. The name of your scholarship is located on your award page.

Mention specific details about how this scholarship will help you achieve your academic goals.

Make the note more personal by telling the donor a bit about yourself. Be sure to tell the donor your future plans as a result of your education.

“Thank you again for the scholarship,” makes the perfect last line. Here are some neutral signatures that can fit a wide variety of situations: Yours Truly, Truly Yours, Kindest Regards, Warmest Regards, Many Thanks.

Did you spell the donor’s name correctly? Did you use proper grammar? Are there any spelling mistakes?

Where do I turn in my thank you letter?

All thank you letters should be turned in to the Foundation office in Building H on Main Campus or mailed to:

SKYCTC Foundation
Attn: Scholarships
1845 Loop Drive
Bowling Green, KY 42101

Thank you notes must be returned to the SKYCTC Foundation Office by the listed deadline. Failure to do so may affect your scholarship! For questions contact

Sample Thank You Letter

Dear John R. Doe,

I am writing to thank you for your generous Jane M. Doe Endowed Scholarship. I was very happy and appreciative to learn that I was selected as the recipient of your scholarship. I am deeply thankful of your support.

I am enrolled full-time in the Business Management and Marketing program at SKYCTC. Once I have completed my AAS degree, I am considering transferring to a baccalaureate degree to further my study. I am grateful for the opportunities that this scholarship will open up for me.

Thanks to you, I am one step closer to my educational goals. By receiving the Jane M. Doe Endowed Scholarship you have lightened my financial burden which allows me to focus more on the most important aspects of education. I hope one day I will be able to help students achieve their goals just as you have helped me.


Your signature