Veterans Services
Some Info You May Need:
Chapter 30 Initial Claim:
Complete VA Form 22-1990 the Electronic Application Form
If you choose to complete VA Electronic Application, you need to contact your campus VA SCO Certifying Official for general information concerning institutional processing procedures.
Items you will need:
- Copy of DD 214
- Voided out Check or Deposit Slip (for direct deposit)
- VA Chapter 30 are required to call in or complete an online monthly verification before allowances are released.
- Verification by telephone: (877) 823-2378 Interactive Voice Response (IVR) then follow the prompts
- Web verification: Web Automated Verification of Enrollment (WAVE)
Previously Used Claim:
Complete VA Form 22-1995 electronically or call (888) 442-4551 and have the form mailed to you.
Items you will need:
- Copy of DD 214
- Voided out Check or Deposit Slip (for direct deposit)
- VA Chapters 30 are required to call in or complete an online monthly verification before allowances are released.
- Verification by telephone: (877) 823-2378 Interactive Voice Response (IVR) then follow the prompts
- Web verification: Web Automated Verification of Enrollment (WAVE)
There is more information on the VA benefits page for Chapter 31.
- All applications are completed and processed through our local VA Regional Office located at 321 W. Main St, Louisville, KY 40202, (502) 566-4453
- Students that are eligible for VA - Vocational Readiness and Employment (VR & E) will be assigned a VA Voc-Rehab Specialist and this Specialist will provide our office with the student Authorization Form (VA Form 28-1905). This is your Certificate of Eligibility (COE).
- You will then need to contact the SKY Veteran SCO for general information concerning institutional processing procedures. You may contact the SKY SCO or follow the Start to Apply Checklist.
- Participated in voluntary, contributory matching program set up for those entering armed forces between January 1, 1977 and June 30, 1985
- Active duty service of at least 24 months
- Application: Complete and submit VA Form 22-1990
The Post-9/11 GI Bill ® (Chapter 33) helps you pay for school or job training. If you’ve served on active duty after September 10, 2001, you may qualify for the Post-9/11 GI Bill® (Chapter 33).
Applying for Benefits
- New Students
- Apply online at VA Benefits Post-9/11 GI Bill® (Chapter 33)
- Or call (888) 442-4551.
- VA will process the application and notify you in writing with either a Certificate of Eligibility (COE) or a denial letter.
- If approved for benefits bring or send the COE and a DD214 form (Discharge Certificate) to the SCO or email a clear photo.
- Complete an Admissions application for SKYCTC.
- Complete a Benefits Initiation Disclosure Form (BID).
- If you are a returning student or you have received benefits while attending another school you will need to review the information found in the VA Benefits Handout Forms.
- Tuition and fees - paid to the school.
- Book Stipend - paid to student, approximately $41.67 per credit hour (up to $1,000 yearly).
- Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) - paid to student.
- You must attend school more than half time to be eligible
- You must take more than 6 credits in the Fall and/or Spring semesters.
- You must take more than 3 credits in any Bi-term.
- Active duty personnel and their spouses (if receiving Transfer of Entitlement benefits) are not eligible.
- If enrolled entirely in distance learning you will receive half the national average of BAH. (This policy may be relaxed during COVID-19.)
- Amounts paid are based on number of credits being taken (the rate pursuit)
- You must attend school more than half time to be eligible
For Courses to be Certified
- You must notify the SCO prior to each semester or term attended.
- Courses must apply toward your Degree and Graduation Requirements
- Courses below the 100 level cannot be taken online. (This policy may be relaxed during COVID-19.)
- You cannot repeat a course (unless a higher satisfactory grade is required for your Degree and Graduation Requirements).
Checking Benefits and Payments
- You can check you benefits and payments online or by calling (888) 442-4551.
Tuition & Fee Payment (Paid to School) – Full in-state tuition costs covered for training pursued at public institutions. Up to $22,805.34 per year at private institutions. Books and Supplies Stipend (Paid to Student) – Up to $1,000 a year for books and supplies.
To be eligible, you must be the son, daughter, or spouse of:
- A veteran who died or is permanently and totally disabled as the result of a service-connected disability.
- A veteran who died from any cause while they had a VA recognized service-connected disability.
- A service member missing in action or captured in the line of duty.
- A service member whom VA determines has a service-connected permanent and total disability and at the time of determination is a military member who is hospitalized or receiving outpatient medical care, services, or treatment; and is likely to be discharged or released from service for this service-connected disability.
DEA Rules for Children
- Children must be between the ages of 18 - 26 to get this benefit. In certain cases, it is possible to begin before age 18 and to continue after age 26.
- Getting married doesn't end your eligibility.
- You can't get this benefit while on active duty.
- VA can extend your period of eligibility by the number of months and days equal to the time spent on active duty.
- This extension cannot go past your 31st birthday.
- Remedial, deficiency, and refresher courses may be approved under certain circumstances.
DEA Rules for Spouses
- If you are a spouse, benefits end 10 years from the date VA finds you eligible or from the date of death of the veteran.
- However, if you are a surviving spouse of a service member who died on active duty, your benefits end 20 years from the date of death.
- If you divorce the veteran your benefits end on the date of divorce.
- If you remarry before age 57 your eligibility ends on the date of remarriage.
- Complete and submit VA Form 22-5490
- Reservist enlisted/re-enlisted for six years after October 1, 1990 High school graduate or completed GED
- Completed initial active duty for training
- VA Chapter 1606 are required to call in or complete an online monthly verification before allowances are released.
- Verification by telephone: (877) 823-2378 Interactive Voice Response (IVR) then follow the prompts
- Web verification: Web Automated Verification of Enrollment (WAVE)
- Contact reserve unit to verify eligibility
- Complete and submit VA Form 22-1990
- Submit DD-2384 (Notice of Basic Eligibility)
National Guard and Reserve
National Guard and Reserve members with active service may qualify for a variety of VA benefits. Active service includes:
- Active duty (Title 10) - full-time duty, such as, but not limited to, a unit deployment during war, including travel to and from such duty, OR
- Full-time National Guard duty (Title 32) - full-time duty, such as responding to a national emergency or duties as an Active Guard Reserve, where you receive pay from the Federal government.
You can review what benefits are available to you at the VA Benefits page for National Guard and Reserve.
Chapter 1607 creates a new Department of Defense (DoD) and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) funded education program that provides benefits to certain National Guard and reserve members who are called or ordered to active service in response to a war or national emergency declared by the President or the Congress.
These instructions reflect VA's understanding of Chapter 1607 and are based partly on DoD/DHS guidance and a memorandum of understanding between DoD, DHS and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). DoD and DHS will determine policy and who is eligible for Chapter 1607. VA will administer the program and pay benefits. DoD and DHS will reimburse VA for Chapter 1607 payments. The VA/DoD/DHS relationship is similar to the relationship established for Chapter 1606 of title 10, U.S. Code.
Educational Assistance Program Under Chapter 1607. The Secretaries of each military department, under guidance prescribed by the Secretary of Defense, and the Secretary of Homeland Security (for the U.S. Coast Guard), will establish the program required by Chapter 1607
If you are on active duty, a drilling reservist, or a member of the National Guard you may qualify for Federal or State Tuition Assistance (TA). Many of these programs are time-sensitive so the earlier you get things done, the smoother your benefits will go. Keep in mind that schools and other programs have their own deadlines as well. Work with your respective branch of service if you plan to use Federal Tuition Assistance (FTA). Please use the following links for additional information.
- Air Force
- Army
- Coast Guard
- Marines
- Navy
- Kentucky National Guard
- Kentucky Department of Veterans Affairs Tuition Waiver
Per SKYCTC guidelines, applicants and students must speak with their Educational Services Officer (ESO) or Counselor prior to enrolling.
The Veterans Services Office does not approve or deny benefits. Only the US Department of Veterans Affairs can do this. We will be happy to assist you with finding VA answers to your questions and even assisting you with the application for benefits. These are external links not affiliated with SKYCTC.
School Certifying Official (SCO)
Academic Advisor/SCO for Veterans Services
(270) 901-1242
What the SCO does:
- Certifies your courses with the VA (request payment from the VA)
What you need to do:
- Notify the SCO in advance of courses you will be taking, prior to each semester or term attended
- Notify the SCO whenever you make any changes in enrollment (hours, courses, program change, or graduate.
- Notify the SCO if you choose not to use benefits, etc.
- Please notify the SCO, if you make any changes, otherwise you may create a debt in the VA system.
*GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at http://www.benefits.va.gov/gibill.